+ Are you interested in a complete package?
- We have bundled our 3 most popular EquiPulse PEMF models with your choice of FLIR Thermography Cameras.
- Review each:
- FLIR Camera Models - Note the basic bundle price of a FLIR Camera and education.
- Magnus Pro Models listed on this page
- On the Inquiry Form select the products in which you are interested. A discount will automatically be calcluated. Fill out the balance of the form and click submit for more information from Magnus Magnetica or Vetel Diagnostics.
+ What financing options are available?
- Business financing is available to buyers in the USA who have a minimum of 24 months business history and a personal credit score in excess of 699. Canadian buyers must seek financing within Canada.
- Buyers will need evidence of business history:
- Two years of being a sole proprietor or owning an LLC or corporation.
- LLCs and corporations listed on the state's Department of Corporations.
- Schedule C or Schedule F (Farm Income) from two years of federal tax returns.
- Two years of being a sole proprietor or owning an LLC or corporation.
- Buyers will need evidence of business history:
- Should a buyer qualify for business financing:
- Buyers will have the option of no money down and payments commencing in 30 days, 90 days, or up to 180 days from equipment acquisition.
- Interest rates for business financing will vary from 6% to 8.5% depending upon credit score of appliciant, the payment deferral period and amount financed.
- Sample monthly payments for every $5,000 financed with no money down over 48 month term:
- $122.00 monthly payments commencing in 30 days
- $124.00 monthly payments commencing in 90 days
- $126.00 monthly payments commencing in 180 days
- Approximate monthly payments for a FLIR Camera only over 4 years with no money down:
- E75-24 VET with online course only - $11,295.00 minus a $1,000.00 discount for EquiPulse Technicians:
- $227.00 monthly payments commencing in 30 days
- $230.00 monthly payments commencing in 90 days
- $234.00 monthly payments commencing in 180 days
- E75-24 VET with online course only - $11,295.00 minus a $1,000.00 discount for EquiPulse Technicians:
- Approximate monthly payments for a bundle including FLIR Camera and EquiPulse PEMF Device over 4 years with no money down:
- Magnus Pro X2 MP at $14,500.00 and E8-VET at $6,799.00 minus a $1,000.00 discount for new EquiPulse buyers = $19,299.00
- $468.00 monthly payments commencing in 30 days
- $473.00 monthly payments commencing in 90 days
- $480.00 monthly payments commencing in 180 days
- Magnus Pro X2 MP at $14,500.00 and E8-VET at $6,799.00 minus a $1,000.00 discount for new EquiPulse buyers = $19,299.00
+ What fees can be generated on the above investments?
- PEMF application fees can range from $40 for 30 minutes to $100.00 for 60 minutes.
- Thermal imaging fees can range from $50 for targeted body parts to $125.00 to scan the entire horse.
- Examples of monthly revenue
- 40 EquiPulse PEMF applications per month, averaging $75 per application equals $3,000.00 per month.
- 20 thermal scans per month, averaging $75.00 per scan equals $1,500.00 per month.
+ Net Monthly Revenues
- In the above scenario a technician using a Magnus Pro X2 and E8-VET FLIR Camera will be generating a total of $4,500.00 per month in gross revenues.
- Zero down and monthly payments commencing in as much as 180 days provides ample time for the technician to establish a customer base.
- Monthly payments are $480.00 for a Magnus Pro X2 MP and FLIR E8-Vet.
- Net monthly revenues are $4,500.00 - $480.00 = $4,020.00 (minus gas, insurance, etc.).
- A certified AAT-ETIS technician's time resource
- 60 PEMF applications per month may equate to approximately 40-50 hours of PEMF application.
- 20 thermal image scans per month may equate to approximately 20 hours of imaging, image analysis and report preparation/review.
- A total of 60-70 hours per month equals 15-17 hours per week of actual work on horses plus related preparations and drive times.
+ Do you already own an EquiPulse, Magnawave, PEMF Complete or Pulse Center PEMF Device?
- You can still purchase a FLIR Camera and receive the bundled training and a discount coupon.
- When you fill out the form below, choose from following two selections:
- I already own a PEMF Device purchased through another PEMF distributor/manufacturer.
- I already own a PEMF Device purchased through Magnus Magnetica.
- Revenue Assumptions: Most certified thermographers charge between $75.00 and $125.00 to scan a horse. The fee variables are:
- Scanning a targeted body part or the entire horse
- Travel time
- Quality of camera used
- Scope of the scan's report
- Bundling with other services offered
- Camera Cost Assumptions:
- Monthly payments, with zero down for qualified buyers, are approximately $125.00 per month for every $5,000.00 financed.
- Our camera and course bundles can range from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00 (cameras that have all the bells and whistles).
- An example of a mid-range camera costing $12,000.00
- 48 month term
- 8% interest rate
- Zero down, payments start in 90 days
- Approximately $300.00 per month
- Revenue Assumptions:
- At $300.00 per month the buyer has 90 days, prior to the first monthly payment.
- At a charge of $75.00 per scan and scan report, it would take 4 scans per month to cover the payment. Obviously, a full body scan at $125.00 will require fewer monthly scans to break even.
- The AAT-ETIS certified thermographer performing 15 scans per month at an average of $100 per scan will be generating $1,500.00 per month against a $300.00 payment.
+ Do you already own a Flir Thermal Camera, or any other Thermal Camera?
- You can still purchase the online course at the regular price of $3,800.00 and receive a $150.00 discount coupon.
- When you fill out the form below choose "I aready own a Thermography Camera."
+ Successful Technicians providing Equine Thermal Imaging services
Flir Thermography Cameras and Basic Specifications
The Magnus Pro X2 MP - A more economical & versatile device

+ This System Includes:
- Magnus Pro X2 MP - $14,500.00
- 3-year full parts and labor limited warranty
- 7-year extended limited warranty (PEMF Device only)
- Animal Practice Software
- Full Online Training / Online Resources**
- Marketing / Business Support
- Technician Network Listing
**An additional in-person training fee may be assessed.
+ Accessories Included:
- Stall Bracket - for easy portability and use off the ground
- Portable Treatment Chair
- Hoof Pro Kit - A $1,350.00 value included at no cost
Additional accessories available for purchase.
+ PEMF Device Specs:
- FEI Compliant
- Electrical Safety Certification
- Variable (1-9) intensity settings with 10 and 30-minute timers
- Able to power two accessories at a time
- Weighs less than 10 lbs
The Magnus Pro X1 MP - Our most economical device

+ This System Includes:
- Magnus Pro X1 MP - $8,787.00
- 3-year full parts and labor limited warranty
- 7-year extended limited warranty (PEMF Device only)
- Animal Practice Software
- Full Online Training / Online Resources**
- Marketing / Business Support
- Technician Network listing
**An additional in-person training fee may be assessed.
+ Accessories Included
- Stall bracket for easy portability and use off the ground.
- Portable Treatment Chair
- Hoof Pro Kit - A $1,350.00 value included at no cost
Additional accessories available for purchase.
+ PEMF Device Specs:
- FEI Compliant
- Electrical Safety Certification
- Variable (1-9) intensity settings with 5,10 and 30-minute timers
- Weighing only 8 lbs, it is the lightest High-Powered PEMF device in the equine market.