Henry Siegel, CEO Magnus Magnetica
Are you dreaming of a career as an Equine Care Professional?
Jump start that career as an EquiPulse PEMF Technician.
Greetings! Thank you so much for visiting this page. Your interest in a career as an EquiPulse PEMF Technician is appreciated. We are simply pleased that you have shown an interest in this growing field in the equine industry. Please select the black box to the right for more information on our upcoming American Association of Equine Therapists and Technicians Educational Conferences. What follows are the 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions:
+ 1. What kind of earnings can one expect as an EquiPulse PEMF Technician?
This depends upon how many hours a week you are willing to work. Generally, EquiPulse PEMF Technicians will charge $50.00 or more per 20 to 30 minute session. Some are charging upwards of $95.00 for a 30 minute session. Determining your entry rate is crucial in the development of your overall revenue strategy.
A number of variables to consider are the following:
- How often is the horse receiving PEMF applications - once a week or once a month?
- Is the application just 20 minutes, or does the owner want the whole horse to receive an application, which can take upwards of an hour or more?
- How many horses at the stable or barn location are receiving applications? The more horses, the better pricing per horse.
- How far do you have to travel for each appointment?
- Is your client willing to pre-purchase a package of PEMF appointments, thereby committing to a regular schedule of PEMF appointments with you?
This is just one aspect of how our company's 12-year experience with hundreds of technicians will be tremendously beneficial to the new technician.
+ 2. Must an individual be licensed as a human physical therapist before being certified as an Equine Care Professional?
No. At present, there are no state regulations governing the certification of equine therapists. This does not mean that there may not be such regulations in the future. Recognized leaders in the development of these various therapies will undoubtedly play a role in the establishment of regulatory guidelines when, and if, the day of state-by-state regulation should arrive. Any such future regulation would be based on the principles of human physical therapy.
+ 3. What qualifications or background are considered important for success as an EquiPulse PEMF Technician?
The most important qualification for success as an EquiPulse PEMF Technician is a love of animals, an empathy for suffering animals, and a sincere desire to help alleviate that suffering. While it would be preferable to have a background in some type of therapy, it is not mandatory. Our technician training uses innovative application protocols and techniques that allow both licensed medical professionals and the nonlicensed technician to obtain remarkable results by identifying and targeting humans and animals for soreness and injury at a very low intensity in addition to utilizing higher intensities for deeper penetration, when necessary. These techniques are on the leading edge of noninvasive and drug-free healing modalities.
+4. How does a nonlicensed Technician appropriately participate in the field of equine care?
All our new and existing EquiPulse PEMF Technicians, who are NOT licensed by a state veterinary board, must be reminded that diagnosing and prescribing are the veterinarian's domain and that our Technicians have a supportive role in the process of injury prevention and recovery. Any equine technician is valuable in both recovery from and prevention of injury and debility. Utilizing the EquiPulse will enhance the body's natural ability to heal. The technician application techniques assist and support the whole body.
+5. What about other Equine Therapies?
There are many noninvasive techniques that can stimulate healing without the use of drugs. Our most successful nonlicensed EquiPulse PEMF Technicians are those who take every possible step to enhance their knowledge and education in the practice areas of equine physiotherapy and biomechanics. We have included an abundance of resources and recommended reading for the new technician. While several of the training videos are produced with the licensed Veterinarian in mind, it is important for any nonlicensed technician to understand the reasoning and method for introducing drugs and other therapies the equine medical community prescribes.
+6. How do different therapies compare?
Please see the page Compare Different Equine Therapies.
+7. What about becoming "Certified"?
Please see the page Equine Practitioner Certification and State Veterinarian Boards.
Magnus Pro X1 HP

Magnus Pro X2 MP

Magnus Magnetica Equine PEMF Devices and Technology
YES, you can afford it, ONLY $7,500.00!!
With the Factory's recent release of the Magnus Pro X2 MP, we can now deliver a more economical device to those who wish to begin their journey as an EquiPulse Equine PEMF Technician. We have bundled the Magnus Pro X2 MP with two delivery loops and the newest addition to our family of accessories, the Hoof Pro Kit. The entire bundle, including training and our business/marketing package, is yours for $16,625.00.
If you have 2 years of business history and good to excellent credit, this system can be delivered with $0.00 out of pocket and a $350.00 (give or take) in monthly payments. You will own the device and all accessories at the end of the the finance term.
What's included along with your purchase?
Training: We recognize that when potential technicians inquire about Magnus Magnetica EquiPulse PEMF Technician Training they also arrive with a wide variety of experience(s) in their respective disciplines and equine communities. Rather than require a standard certification or training template for training each new Technician, Magnus Magnetica delivers training based upon the needs of the Technician. Those candidates who have little or no medical background (whether human or animal) need far more support, education and hands-on training than an experienced veterinarian, registered vet techs or persons who have been working with a variety of therapeutic modalities on their horses for several years. A decade worth of implementing the EquiPulse in our country's top equine therapeutic centers and veterinary clinics/hospitals, coupled with some of the most highly regarded equine sports therapists in the U.S., provides our new Technicians, with a wide variety of training needs, with all the necessary resources required to be knowledgeable and effective.
A Magnus Pro X2 MP PEMF Device - Safety certified and FEI compliant the X2 MP is a dual output device (two separate devices in one) with a 1 through 5 incremental intensity setting. Settings (per output) include a 5 and 10-minute timer, with high-frequency, low-powered conditioning cycles and high-powered, multi-frequency cycles for injuries and respective rehabilitation requirements.
Two Magnetic Delivery Loops - A large loop and joint loop are utilized to treat the equine's entire body and legs.
The Mag Disc - Our new proprietary accessory that uniquely focuses a powerful pulsed electromagnetic field to deliver precise and deep penetration into targeted areas. It can be used as a stand-alone accessory to treat hard to get places such as the inside of the stifle, upper neck and pole.
The Hoof Pro Kit - This includes three bindings, which allows a fit for almost any size hoof. The smallest binding is orange. The medium binding is black, and largest binding is yellow.
Our extensive business and marketing package - As long as you hold title to your PEMF Device you will have access to our business and marketing package. Please see our page "Becoming an EquiPulse PEMF Technician." On this page you will find references to our high-powered PEMF devices at $21,000.00. These devices are manufactured by the same ISO certified factory under the same rigid quality control and manufacturing standards. A question arises: "What is the difference between these devices?" The $21,000.00 device is capable of much higher gauss output capability, which results in shorter application cycles (per body part). It also has a variable intensity knob and a 10-minute variable application timer.
Safety Certified by Intertek
About this book: Equine sports therapy is becoming widely accepted as a way to treat horses suffering from performance and other injuries. An essential reference for veterinarians, sport therapists, and horse owners, this book covers the different physical therapy methods being used form ultrasound to the use of heat, cold and magnets. Details on each type of therapy, its history, applications to human medicine, and uses in horses are provided.
About the Author: A frequent contributor to The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care, Mimi Porter began applying her therapeutic skills to horses during her 10-year career as an athletic trainer at the University of Kentucky. Porter holds a Master's Degree in Physical Education from the University of Kentucky and published her first book, Equine Sports Therapy, in 1990. In 1996, she served as staff equine therapist at the Olympic Games in Atlanta.