From time to time a life altering event will occur in one of our PEMF Technicians lives. Collectively, we are here to assist our technicians in as many ways possible.
Specific Technician's Funding Pool:
When a technician needs financial assistance, a new monthly funding pool will be set up. Contributions will generally go toward the monthly payment of their PEMF Device. However, funds may also be designated for other emergency purposes for that individual. When a technician is in need, you will find specific funding requests, with the Technician's photo and related information, on this page.
Give Monthly to our Technician's General Fund Pool:
We are also creating a general fund so the over-time pooled funds will be available when a larger one-time amount may be necessary for an emergency. As a group, we will vote on any eligible candidate and determine the level of funding. Magnus Magnetica will match 15% of all monies submitted to the general fund. Every calendar quarter the total of the general fund pool will be posted on this page.
Your Support Matters!
Technician's Name
Their Story and Challenge
Our Lexington Location
113 Glenn Place
Lexington, KY 40505
United States