You arrived at this page in search of a USA or Canadian Regional Magnus Magnetica Independent Sales Agent, aka ISA. As our company grows, it is our goal to place our most knowledgeable technicians into the role of ISA to properly manage the sales process and to provide new buyers with post-sale training and support.
The following is how we support inquiries and manage potential sales and post-sale support:
When you make an inquiry about any of our PEMF models, you will not be barraged by a subsequent flood of marketing emails or phone calls. We do not believe that pressuring potential buyers into a decision is in the best interest of the buyer.
Buying a PEMF Device is not an impulse purchase. When a buyer considers the purchase of an $8,000.00 to $25,000.00 device, we also consider their socioeconomic status. We understand that this is not a small purchase decision. We expect and respect that buyers want to make an informed decision.
Researching PEMF technology can be very confusing. Making that informed decision challenges so many buyers. They just do not know what to believe after talking to 3 or 4 companies.
Does a company’s sales person or marketing materials make the claim that PEMF is FDA approved, inferring that their devices are FDA approved? Unless a company is actually selling FDA registered bone stimulators or other PEMF devices that have received an FDA registration, their PEMF technology is NOT FDA approved.
We will never hide behind the sales tactic of “we offer proprietary PEMF signal that no one else has . … and that’s why we are the best.” We will be honest and forthright about gauss output and why the therapeutic values of the technology is the most important metric. Please review MP/MF PEMF Technology, also located on this site.
Does a PEMF company bundle a “Certification” into the sale of a PEMF Device? While appealing at first glance, one must carefully consider the legal implications in the equine industry. Review Considerations on Equine PEMF Technician / Practitioner Certification.
We will never bash/trash our competitor’s PEMF Devices. All PEMF technology is amazing! Each device from different manufacturers has their pros/cons. Our role is to adequately and properly inform you about what our PEMF technology does and does not do.
All PEMF technology must undergo rigorous electrical safety testing in order to receive a CE or UL Mark and have the respective safety label adhered to the device (see sample from our factory). Any company stating that their PEMF Devices are built in an ISO certified factory does not mean their devices have been safety certified by an independent testing lab. Don’t be fooled.
We ask potential buyers to consider an ongoing relationship with the company from which they are buying. The sale and acquisition stage is where many companies’ energies will be focused. Why? They need to create and close sales to survive and prosper. Big offices and many employees and related overhead means “We must close deals!” However, post-sale service and support is crucial to any brand, regardless of underlying technology.
Each of our ISAs must first prove that:
If they are in the equine market, they are successful and highly knowledgeable EquiPulse PEMF Technicians and also understand the application of other non-PEMF therapeutic modalities.
They maintain solid, ongoing relationships with licensed, medical professionals in their community and in their industry.
They regularly contribute to the “braintrust” of information that propels and validates the efficacy of PEMF technology.
They are helpful and supportive of others, simply because that is their nature and how their humanity is expressed.
They are trustworthy in their own local communities, whether it is in the equine, small animal or human market.
We are a boutique enterprise. Our profits and resources are directed towards education, development of new accessories and products and customer support. Magnus Magnetica does not hire office personnel to answer phones, manage potential leads or to hand off post-sale support services or inquiries to a team of “experts,” causing undue response delays and inquiries to be departmentally rerouted. Interested buyers and existing customers need to connect with qualified and experienced agents or technicians without any delays.
Service and support are the lifeblood of Magnus Magnetica. How do we make it work for you?
Most importantly, buyers can always connect with the company founder/owner, Henry Siegel, with any questions, concerns or considerations before or after a purchase. If he cannot provide an adequate answer, he will find a more knowledgeable person to help, or he will do the research to find answers.
Our private Facebook Group is a treasure trove of information, data and proven protocols, all contained in a friendly, mutually supportive, online community. This online forum is a growing braintrust.
Warranty and repair issues are addressed promptly and efficiently.
Vanessa Houston
Authorized Sales Agent
Equine and Pet Markets
Richard Armentrout APF I, CJF 1
Authorized Sales Agent
Farrier Market
Kenny Grenert
Authorized Sales Agent
Wellness, Health and Fitness Markets
Angelina Wayne
Authorized Sales Agent
Human and Equine Resale Markets
Sample Electrical Safety Label
AlphaLab Gauss Certification for Magnus Pro X2
AlphaLab Gauss Certification for Magnus Compact Portable