Earn Referrals Fees right now!  

Our Lead and Referral Fee Program is designed to incentivize you to assist our company with the marketing and selling of our branded PEMF technology. In order to qualify for the funding of a referral fee when a qualified lead ends up purchasing our technology, we need you to take a few minutes to read the following Policies, Terms and Conditions. Then select the appropriate referral form.

Should you desire larger referral fees by becoming an Independent Sales Agent, eligibility requires a minimum of four referrals, which convert to sales, within four months from the first sale. 

+ Referral Fee Eligibility for current owners of Magnus Magnetica PEMF Devices:

  • Referrer must provide all required lead information, as listed in the Lead Referral Form. This insures that the referrer will be paid after a sale or rental has funded.
  • The referrer’s name and all related contact information must also be entered into the Lead Referral Form. If, after submission, additional leads are generated, a new Lead Referral Form must be filled out and submitted. A copy of each completed Lead Referral Form will be sent to the referrer, via email, for their own records and proof of submission.
  • All leads must be submitted PRIOR to the sale or rental of a device.
  • A referrer is ineligible for a referral fee if the Lead is submitted after the date and initial invoice or quote is sent to the potential buyer.
  • Referral fees earned by existing owners of a Magnus Magnetica branded PEMF Device (sale of brand new devices only):
    • The sale must be paid in full by wire transfer, credit card or through a third party financing company.
    • The sale of any Magnus Pro X1 HP (Single Output) or Magnus Pro X2 HP (Dual Output):
      • A minimum sale amount of $20,000.00 earns a referral fee of $350.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $21,000.00 earns a referral fee of $450.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $22,000.00 earns a referral fee of $750.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $25,000.00 earns a referral fee of $1,000.00.
    • Magnus Pro X2 MP (Dual Output):
      • A minimum sale amount of $14,500.00 earns a referral fee of $250.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $16,000.00 earns a referral fee of $450.00.
    • Magnus Pro X1 MP (Single Output):
      • A minimum sale amount of $7,000.00 earns a referral fee of $150.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $8,500.00 earns a referral fee of $250.00.
    • HERO PRO (Single Output):
      • A minimum sale amount of $7,000.00 earns a referral fee of $125.00.
      • A minimum sale amount of $8,500.00 earns a referral fee of $225.00.

+ Referral Fees for HERO X1/X2 PEMF Devices earned by anyone referring a HERO Buyer directly to Magnus Magnetica!

  • Net sale amount below $2,500.00 - Fee is $30.00.
  • Net sale amount greater than $2,500.00 and less than $3,000.00 - Fee is $50.00.
  • Net sale amount greater than $3,000.00 and less than $3,500.00 - Fee is $75.00.
  • Net sale amount greater than $3,500.00 and less than $4,000.00 - Fee is $100.00.
  • Net sale amount greater than $4,000.00 - Fee is $125.00.
  • Terms:
    • Authorized resellers determine their own referral fees paid to a referring party.
    • Net sale amount does not include shipping fees or sales tax.

+ Referral fee eligibility for referring parties who do not own a Magnus Magnetica branded PEMF device, are no longer an authorized technician per the company, or lack a current "Good Standing" status at the time the lead is submitted:

  • Referral fees will be 50% of the above amount(s).

+ Other Referral Fees

  • A rental or sale which does not qualify for third party financing and must be financed by the factory will receive a $200.00 referral fee for high-powered PEMF Devices.
  • The sale of a demo or used/refurbished device will receive a $200.00 referral fee.
  • The referral fee for the rental of a Magnus Pro X1 MP or Magnus Matrix is $100.00. Should the rental of the device turn into a purchase, the respective referral fee shall be deducted from the referral fee to be paid for the sale of the device.

+ Accessories instead of a monetary Referral Fee:

  • Alternatively, the referrer may opt-in to receive accessories in lieu of the above referral fee.
    • If the value of the accessories and their respective shipping fee is less than the referral fee, the referrer shall receive a payment covering the difference.
    • If the value of the accessories and their respective shipping fee is greater than the referral fee, the referrer must pay the amount covering the difference.

+ Referral fees are not eligible for:

  • Revenues generated from sales of additional accessories, included with the original sale or sold at a later point in time, for support or training services and related fees.
  • Devices which are sold as a demo or used/refurbished.
  • Tentative buyers who may be directed to call existing Magnus Magnetica customers for references about our company, or those potential buyers who may take the initiative to call on their own.

+ Payment of Referral Fees:

  • Payments of referral fees will be made within 10 business days from the date an eligible device sale has actually funded and the device is satisfactorily delivered to buyer.
  • All referrers will be paid directly by Magnus Magnetica after submission of a W-9 form which shall list the referrer’s name, address and respective Tax ID. Click here to retrieve a blank W-9 Form.
  • Payments shall be made in one of the following ways:
    • PayPal account - Please enter the email you use on PayPal when you submit a sales lead
    • Venmo - paid using @magnusmagnetica
    • Magnus Magnetica’s online banking
      • A bank authorized check
      • ACH funding (preferred)
  • At the end of each calendar year, a 1099 shall be sent to each respective payee summarizing all referral fees paid during that calendar year.