Let's start with a review of MP/MF™ PEMF Technology:
If you have viewed the many pages on this website, you already know that our PEMF Technology differs in many ways from traditional PEMF Devices and other noninvasive therapeutic modalities. It is clear that many people and animals suffer from musculoskeletal issues resulting in chronic pain and range of motion issues. These conditions have reached epidemic proportions with consumers everywhere seeking noninvasive and non-drug-related relief.
Consumers want it now, and they want it without consuming more drugs or subjecting themselves to needless or unnecessary surgeries. Toward that objective our multi-powered, multi-frequency PEMF Devices deliver the therapeutic results desired by consumers and forward-thinking medical professionals.
+ Which devices are MP/MF™:
These devices are fabricated in a number of different form factors to satisfy the needs of the different human and animal markets. These solid-state devices are essentially computerized PEMF Devices that do not have a traditional spark gap chamber.
MP/MF™ Models are the following:
- Magnus Pro X1 MP
- Magnus Pro X1 Clinic MP
- Magnus Pro X1 HP
- Magnus Pro X1 Clinic HP
- Magnus Pro X2 MP
- Magnus Pro X2 Clinic MP
- Magnus Pro X2 HP
- Magnus Pro X2 Clinic HP
+ What makes them different?
These MP/MF PEMF Devices are completely different from all other competitive PEMF Devices. Almost all PEMF Devices only deliver one frequency at a time at each intensity setting or each program setting. However, these patented MP/MF PEMF Devices have two completely separate devices inside. One of the devices delivers the primary application frequency, while the other delivers a sweep of frequencies (using the variable intensity/frequency buttons).
+ Two signals at the same time? Let's explain why this important.
MP/MF PEMF delivers the most crucial physiological response needed for the accelerated therapeutic benefits for which our technology is known. The response is the percussive muscular contraction which drastically increases blood flow in vasodilated capillaries/micro-capillaries, the mechanical break up of intramuscular adhesions and the fast reduction of inflammation in locally treated areas.
+ The results?
Combining a multitude of frequencies delivered in one single application cycle, these revolutionary PEMF Devices will provide a powerful, physiological response to target musculoskeletal conditions, and much more effective outcomes for neurological issues, skin wound healing and other medical indications.
+ When is a PEMF Device not MP/MF™?
Analog PEMF Devices generate the pulsed electromagnetic field by using a spark gap chamber, which contains two electrodes with a variable gap between them. This gap can be modified by turning an external knob and is adjustable by a practitioner or user. The larger the gap, the more electrical energy is built up in the internal capacitors until an adequate amount is generated to literally “jump the gap,” creating an instantaneous short between the two electrodes. A smaller gap between the electrodes allows the short to occur more frequently with less energy from the same capacitors. This is why the users hear a more frequent "clicking noise" emanating from the loops when the knob is turned to a lower intensity setting. Regardless of the intensity setting, the completed circuit, or short, sends a pulse to the loops where the PEMF energy is released. These analog PEMF Devices generate the greatest gauss output but are not necessarily more effective.
+ Electrical Safety Testing
The pulsed, electrical energy that is sent through the loops is created by proprietary power transformers, capacitors, transistors, etc. There are no moving parts in these devices. In April 2018, these two solid-state devices received certificates from InterTek, obtaining an Electrical Safety Certification as a medical device. This certificate requires more stringent safety standards than that of consumer electronics. To date, no other U.S. manufacturer of high-powered PEMF Devices have commenced any electrical safety testing.
Link to current Electrical Safety Certifications
In 2015, our manufacturer, PEMF Systems, Inc., was awarded a USPTO patent for this proprietary PEMF technology. All MP/MF PEMF models are fully programmable and can be modified by the manufacturer as clinical trials demonstrate which frequencies and intensities are most effective to treat specific conditions and ailments.
Impulse Generators and the Waveform Generated by our PEMF Technology
Questions and considerations surround the type of impulse waveform that is generated by our PEMF technology. So let’s start with a brief definition: An impulse generator is an electrical apparatus which produces very short high voltage or high current surges. Such devices can be classified into two types:
Impulse voltage generators, and
Impulse current generators.
Impulse voltage generators create high impulse voltages which are used to test the strength of electric power equipment against lightning and switching surges. Also, steep-front impulse voltages are sometimes used in nuclear physics experiments. High impulse currents are needed not only for tests on equipment, such as lightning arresters and fuses, but also for many other technical applications, such as lasers, thermonuclear fusion, and plasma devices.
Why does PEMF Gauss Output and Frequencies Matter?
There is no better place to start than to look at the myriad number of PEMF Devices being sold online today. A simple Google Search of "PEMF" will yield thousands of search results that include many devices, practitioners, studies and other resources. To create a positive outcome from applications, consumers and medical professionals are left with the two primary questions:
How much power (gauss) is required? (See chart at bottom of page)
What frequencies are needed?
With so many PEMF Devices to choose from, how can medical professionals or consumers make the right choice? Each PEMF manufacturer has its own theories about the most effective frequency, the optimum magnetic energy, the best waveform and how long the application should be. These theories are not substantiated by any medical studies. Not a single high-powered PEMF manufacturer has ever done any actual research to determine any of these parameters. Our PEMF technology primarily focuses on determining which frequencies and intensities provide the best results. Our manufacturer, PEMF Systems, Inc., is currently conducting medical studies to determine which of these parameters will provide the best results for healing and wellness.
Dr. Pawluk
Our company relies upon Dr. Pawluk, the preeminent expert on the use of PEMF for medical issues.
He provides the most up-to-date information on PEMF technology and the variety of applications for medical use. Different powers and frequencies may provide different results for various conditions. There are many dozens of PEMF systems on the market today which Dr. Pawluk, a medical doctor, has personally used – some he currently uses in his practice, and many he uses or has used in his home. He has curated a collection of PEMF systems that will cover a wide range of health needs without a great deal of overlap and shares where the medical practitioner and home user might find the right machine for their needs.
+ Dr. Pawluk on Frequencies:
“A frequency range is always an important aspect of a PEMF system. Some systems produce a single frequency. Some produce frequencies within a small range. Some have a huge range of optional frequencies. Most full-body PEMF systems have at least a frequency range that mimics that of the brain – roughly between 1 and 30Hz. These frequencies are sometimes referred to as “earth-based” frequencies, which is somewhat of a misnomer since there is a vast array of frequencies present in our atmosphere. But, for every system that produces only brainwave frequencies, there is a system that produces much, much higher frequencies – some into the kHz range. Both high and low frequencies have been studied extensively, and each range has its place therapeutically.”
+ Dr. Pawluk on Intensity:
“.... it all depends on what you need. Are you a practitioner who needs to provide rapid relief from musculoskeletal pain? Low intensities aren’t going to be your best option. Are you an electro-sensitive person who wants to bring about subtle changes to an already overstimulated body? High intensities may aggravate you. The intensity of a PEMF system is often tied to how quickly you can expect to see results with that system, with higher intensities generally producing faster results (especially in terms of pain relief). But this is not to say that you would not achieve pain relief with lower intensities – it may just take a bit longer. A good rule of thumb here is that the deeper the problem is in the body, or the more tightly packed the tissues in the affected area are, the higher the intensities you will need to see results in a reasonable amount of time. Now, a magnetic field will pass completely through the body, whether it is high or low intensity. The difference is the amount of charge the field will produce in your tissues as it is passing through the body. Higher intensity fields produce greater charge, thereby causing greater and more rapid change.”
+ Dr. Pawluk on Waveforms:
“The truth is, there is no such thing as a superior waveform. In fact, waveform matters little in comparison to frequencies and intensities. But some companies make a big deal out of waveforms, so let’s take a look at the facts. Many different waveforms have been studied. Nearly every waveform has research proving it to be effective. The problem here is that there is virtually no research that has compared waveforms among different PEMF systems. All the waveforms used in PEMF systems (and there are many - sinusoidal, square, sawtooth, trapezoidal) have been found to be effective by the companies that produce them, by both their own research and research done by others. Various waveforms have been researched for more than 30 years, and while past and current studies are used to develop frequency and intensity programs, the choice of waveform is more of a philosophical or conceptual decision based on the manufacturer’s or designer’s take on the signal. So, there is no perfect or optimal waveform, just as there are no perfect or optimal frequencies or intensities.” See our page on Impulse Generators and the Waveform.
+ Dr. Pawluk on Polarity:
“Polarity has little to no bearing on pulsed electromagnetic fields. Dealers and resellers who make a big deal about their magnetic system switching polarity do not understand the fundamental basics of magnetic science. The concept of polarity is taken from the convention used to describe the Earth’s poles as North and South. This is confusing because there are actually two types of poles on earth, magnetic and geographic, and they are not situated in the same place. The geographic North Pole is a magnetic South Pole. It’s easy to see why confusion exists, so to avoid uncertainty, scientists and engineers use the terms “Positive” and “Negative” instead of “North” and ”South.” Switching polarity in a PEMF system simply means that the system is going to be changing direction in which the magnetic field pulses, and therefore has nothing to do with a north or south orientation. But here’s the real kicker: unlike electricity, magnetic fields have no charge. Therefore, the terms positive and negative carry little to no meaning for magnetic fields. Gauss’s law of magnetism tells us that there are no magnetic charges. Instead, magnetic field lines neither begin nor end but make loops or extend to infinity and back. One pole is not relaxing while another is stimulating. There is no good, reputable, scientific research to support a separate action for each pole. Do not let polarity be a deciding factor in your selection of a PEMF system.” For more information see Magnetic Field Polarity.
Below, please find a chart listing our Electrical Safety Tested PEMF Devices. We list both the gauss output and related frequencies per device, per setting.
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