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The arterial and venal blood vessels are intimately associated with the lymphatic system. As the blood and lymphatic vessels bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells and remove their waste products, they are nourishing and detoxifying the cells, tissues and body. As PEMF therapy mechanically stimulates blood vessels and blood flow, the blood vessels pump blood and oxygen into the cells. Simultaneously, PEMF therapy
mechanically stimulates the lymphatic vessels and waste products are hauled away from the cells more efficiently. PEMF therapy supports immune health by mechanically stimulating lymphatic drainage and blood flow.
In June 2004, The Faseb Journal states: “PEMF therapy has been shown to be clinically beneficial in repairing bones and other tissues, but the mechanism in action is unclear. The results of a study done at the New York University Medical Center (Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, NY, NY, USA) demonstrates that electromagnetic fields increased angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels, in vitro and in vivo through the endothelial release of FGF-2, fibroblast growth factor-2. The delivery of PEMF therapy in low doses identical to that currently in clinical use significantly increased endothelial cell proliferation and tubulization, which are both important processes for vessel formation. The ability of PEMF to increase cell proliferation was unique to endothelial cells, which seemed to be the primary target of PEMF stimulation, releasing a protein in a paracrine fashion (or signalling to adjacent cells and other types of cells) to induce changes in neighboring cells and tissues.
Since direct stimulation did not produce significant changes in osteoblast proliferation, the ability of PEMF therapy to enhance the healing of complicated fractures is likely the result of increased vascularity rather than a direct effect on osteogenesis as previously believed. The coordinated release of FGF-2 suggests that PEMF therapy may facilitate healing by augmenting the interaction between osteogenesis and blood vessel growth. As such, PEMF therapy may offer distinct advantages as a non-invasive and targeted modality that is able to release several growth factors to achieve therapeutic angiogenesis.
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The fibroblast and endothelial cells are made to go embryonic due to drastic changes in ionic concentrations in the cells’ cytoplasm and therefore the cells’ nuclei. These ionic concentrations react with the cell DNA opening up some gene sets and closing down others. It is apparently the rapid onset of a strong-pulsed electric field generated by the pulsed magnetic field, which causes some cell ion gate types to open and be force fed ions by the same electric field.” As demonstrated in the following study entitled: “Impulse magnetic-field therapy for erectile dysfunction: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study,” increased microcirculation leads to improvements in macrocirculation. The study by Pelka et al. (Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Munich, Germany) assessed the efficacy of three weeks of PEMF therapy for erectile dysfunction. In the active treatment group, all efficacy endpoints were significantly improved at study end with 80% reporting increases in intensity and duration of erection, frequency of genital warmth, and general well-being. In contrast, only 30% of the placebo group noted some improvement in their sexual activity; 70% had no change. No side effects were reported. PEMF therapy has proven efficacious at increasing the flow of ions and nutrients into the cells and at stimulating blood and interstitial fluid circulation. With increased lymphatic drainage and blood flow, cells receive more oxygen and nutrients, and eliminate toxins faster. Cells are therefore able to function better and tissues repair themselves more efficiently. Through the same processes, vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body and allowing better organ functionality.
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