You just signed your invoice! You have reached this page because you are acquiring a PEMF device from our company. The purpose of this page is to properly orient and guide you through the initial stages up until the time you actually receive your selected Equine PEMF device. Before you begin, please note that you will be required to fill out the two forms. Our Factory must know your device has been received undamaged and fully operable. Until you fill out the form “Equine Buyer's Final Checklist”, your new device will not be under Factory Warranty.
Then fill out and submit: Equine PEMF Buyer's Preliminary Checklist Form.
When your device is delivered fill out the last form: Equine Buyer's Final Checklist.
Please review/complete the following 9 items
You now have access to our Technician Training Page. The page is secure and is meant for our Customers only. The password is "bancroft" (all lower case)
Review the basic set up video. We use an EquiPulse Pro Field Portable in this video, so you may see some minor differences in the device (versus yours). The EquiPulse has a variable timer knob versus the flat rate timer buttons on our Solid State devices (with a single connector)
Very important you review the Human Application Video...You will be treating humans and this is just part of what occurs as a device owner. The device in the Human Training video is an Office model, but again works in a very similar manner as an Equine device.
Go through the 30 page slide show. As well, review all videos by the It is crucial that you understand traditional approaches to various ailments and related treatments through the eyes of Licensed Equine Vets.
Update your knowledge on Equine Anatomy with this book. it is a PDF format. It is an excellent resource.
Please review: Compare Different Equine Therapies. It is important you become reasonably articulate in the differences.
See the page on EquiPulse FAQ's. These are typical questions clients will ask and you will need to know.
Additional Hands on Training is available through our network of Equine Vets and experienced Technicians. Depending upon the level of additional training required, budget and travel time we’ll organize the right match for you.
More Resources:
Record Keeping - A crucial aspect of treating horses is record keeping and tracking progress. There is no longer any need to deal with hard copy records when it can all be digitized on Software for Animal Practitioners. We highly recommend you start using Cavanti, a terrific company with an amazingly simple solution . Our collaboration with Cavanti delivers our new customers with 50 free recorded client sessions or 4 months of free use, whichever comes first. There are videos you'll need to watch..each is short but provides a wealth of information on set up and use.
Please watch Cavanti’s short demo videos about how the service is set up and used.
Disclaimer- our company does not receive any commissions from your use of Cavanti is just good stuff we recommend.
Disclosure- our company may collect data from our buyer's use of Cavanti to evaluate adherence, treatment protocols and outcomes. Client’s Private information will not be collected.
Horse Anatomy - Access to Digital downloads of the following:
Treatment Policies and Quick Reference Card - We’ll be sending you several 6 x 9 Cards..
If you purchased:
An EquiPulse or Magnus Pro X1 HP Model with extra treatment accessories thoroughly review this User Guide
A Magnus Pro X2 MP - Dual Output capabilities it is important you review the Magnus Pro X2 MP Operating Notes
A Magnus pro X1 MP or Hoof Pro System, thoroughly review this User's Guide with Accessories.