Your interest in becoming an Independent Sales Agent for the HERO. Hyper-Targeted PEMF application in the human and animal markets continues to grow and this is a fine opportunity to help grow the market. Magnus Magnetica is seeking qualified candidates to join our team. It is helpful if you are already familiar with the use of PEMF on humans, horses and small animals. We’ll need you to fill out a questionnaire so we know a little more about you.
+ Use on Humans
While all our PEMF models are versatile devices that can be applied for a variety of medical indications, the cost may prohibitive for Buyers who seek a high powered PEMF device at a more economical cost. Many times Medical Practitioners and Technicians need a second PEMF device in their enterprise.
While the Mag Disc has been available since 2015, the purchase of a Mid Powered or High Powered PEMF model ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 has been required.
- The HERO is now released in 2 models
- HERO X1 at a base price of $1,750.00
- HERO X2 at a base price of $2,250.00
- Pricing is for the HERO PEMF Device only.
- Buyers will then build their HERO X1 or HERO X2 with optional accessories.
- A single output device fabricated in a silver Pelican Waterproof case.
- Weighs approximately 3.5 lbs.
- 11" x 7" x 5" - Holds a Powerbank and small accessories
- Powered by a 12 Volt Adapter, or optional HERO Power Bank, a rechargeable lithium Ion battery capable of operating the HERO for 10 continuous hours
- Stall Wall Hanger (Equine Use).
- All operating hardware is mounted on the exterior of the case, so the case is completely closed during use. Power receptacle, Power button and Mode button are easily accessible.
Interior of the HERO X1
- This is a DUAL output device (apply to two body parts at the same time) fabricated in a black Pelican Waterproof case.
- Weighs approximately 4.5 lbs.
- 11" x 7" x 5" - Holds a Powerbank and small accessories
- Powered by a 12 Volt Adapter , or optional HERO Power Bank, a rechargeable lithium Ion battery capable of operating the HERO for 5 continuous hours if both outputs are concurrently engaged.
- Stall Wall Hanger (Equine Use).
- All operating hardware is mounted on the exterior of the case, so the case is completely closed during use. Power receptacle, Power button and Mode button are easily accessible.
Dual Output Ports
Power button in center
- Also a DUAL output device (apply to two body parts at the same time) fabricated in a black Pelican Waterproof case that is a little bit larger.
- Weighs approximately 5.0 lbs.
- 11" x 10" x 7" - Holds a Powerbank and small accessories
- Powered by a 12 Volt Adapter, or optional HERO Power Bank, a rechargeable lithium Ion battery capable of operating the HERO for 5 continuous hours if both outputs are concurrently engaged.
- Stall Wall Hanger (Equine Use).
- All operating hardware is mounted on the exterior of the case, so the case is completely closed during use. Power receptacle, Power button and Mode button are easily accessible.
Interior will hold two Mag Discs and the HERO Power Bank - ORDER A HERO