The ONE common denominator everyone of these International Equestrian Competitors have!
Will Simpson (USA)
Candice King (USA)
Allison Brock (USA)
Nicole Shahinian Simpson (USA)
Mandy Porter (USA)
Sharn Wordley (NZL)
Shannon Dueck (CAN)
Ilse Schwarz (AUS)
Ansgar Holtgers (DEU)
Callie Schott (USA)
Lauren Fischer (USA)
Arabian Clients
North Arabians
Guzzo Worldwide
Jim Lowe Show Horses
Royal Arabians
Cedar Ridge Arabians
Pomeroy Arabians
Royal Salute
All Star Arabians
Laurie Martin Show Horses
Lambert Arabians LLC
Hunter Jumper Clients
Twisted Tree/Janet Hischer
Morning Shadows/Becky Warner
Freelance Enterprises
Joie Gaitlin Show Jumping
Tri-Star Equestrian
Bridgeside/Bliss Heers
Citrus Hill
Tres Palomas
RCR Farm/Renae Coates
Ikast Stables/Bjorn Ikast
Conord Equestrian Center/Mark Conley
Dressage Clients
Royal Salute
Euro Riding Center
Paglia West Dressage
Saddlebred/Morgan Clients
Blackridge RJH
Indian Creek
Majestic Stable
Keith Nelsen Stable
BJ Schafer Training Center
Lawson Creek Farm
The River’s Edge
Marlett Stables
Dr. Scott Bennett
Buffalo Creek
Desert Palms
David Becker Jr.
Rock Ridge
Crown Valley
Emerald Hills
Who else uses our Technology?
Equine Massage
Equine Therapy Centers
Harness Racing
Equine Hospitals
Racing Trainers
Equine Rehab Facilities
Lay Up Facilities
Barrel Racing
Equine Chiropractors
PBR Bull Contractors
Body Workers
Hunter Jumper
Mounted Shooters
Equine Therapy Practitioners
“We have been using the Delta Pulse Small Animal Vet device with great success for degenerative intervertebral disk disease, DJD of the elbows, hips and stifles. Also for both non-surgical and post-surgical cranial cruciate disease. The owners have been very accepting of the repeat visits needed and really love the non-invasive nature of the treatments. Our patients have not resisted the treatment and usually relax doing treatments, even treating cats for lumbosacral disease.”
“ACP Enterprises has used the EquiPulse for three years now and we couldn't be more enthusiastic about the machine and the results it produces. As with all athletes, some days require more effort in training and competing and with regular use of the EquiPulse, veterinary attention and restorative time have been significantly reduced. We're amazed at how we've even been able to reduce or eliminate joint injections on some of our horses. We've also had great success using the EquiPulse before schooling and competitions to help warm-up back muscles. Since using the EquiPulse, we have seen quieter and more relaxed horses overall.”
“We purchased our EquiPulse and have been fans ever since. We use it every day on all of our high performance horses before every workout, and at the shows will often use it twice a day. The horses relax totally while they being treated and thoroughly enjoy the treatment. I strongly believe it has made the difference in our Grand Prix stallion LaMarque. We would never think of going to a competition without taking the EquiPulse with us. I believe it has made a difference in the soundness of our horses especially those who have back or shoulder problems.”
“It is critical to keep my equine patients at the top of their physical ability. Our practice can now treat certain conditions with this amazing, non-invasive therapeutic modality. The fact that it does not conflict with drug withdrawal times is fantastic!”
"The EquiPulse has been a fantastic addition to our treatment options in our practice. Not only have we found it to be an excellent primary treatment for Sacroiliac ligament problems, backs and necks but it has also integrated beautifully with our other energy and regenerative medicine therapies. I have used it personally on my own injuries with great success."
Oliver Costello with Well Armed after winning the $500,000 Goodwood. "I have worked on many other quality horses for over two years. The decision was made to utilize the EquiPulse because of a multitude of problems occurring with horses becoming sore in there hind quarters. With no definitive cure or diagnosis of what or why the soreness was occurring, it became imperative that a remedy was needed. After just a few sessions with the EquiPulse it became very obvious that this technology would be of great benefit. PEMF therapy has grown rapidly grew throughout the Equine industry, with the discovery of the many other benefits from this therapy. I have also seen great results with other soft tissue injuries. Not only can the EquiPulse speed up recovery of a torn or injured tendon or suspensory, PEMF technology therapy can also be used as preventative therapy. I find using the EquiPulse 2-3 times a week, on a horse, to be the most effective.”
Lava Man was purchased in a Claimer Race for $50,000. Lava Man was then treated with the EquiPulse because of an abscess in his left front foot, which healed in 4 days with the use of this device. From then on, Lava Man routinely received EquiPulse applications on his entire body. He came back from his foot injury in 2006 and blossomed into a superstar. Lava Man has won 7 Grade 1 races, ranking him as the all-time leader among California-breds. Lava Man is the all-time leading earner among claimers and is arguably the greatest claim in racing history.
“To date the most remarkable results from using the EquiPulse have been in the treatment of a horse coming back from a hindquarter muscle injury. Because the injury was somewhat widespread muscularly and difficult to pinpoint, it was hard to effectively treat with any other therapy. The EquiPulse allowed us to treat the entire hindquarter with remarkable results in a short period of time. We incorporated the EquiPulse into our therapy options at Eagle’s Wing Equine Therapy and Rehab several years ago.”

Crooked Willow Farms is a state-of-the-art, private training and sales facility for top hunter and jumper sport horses. Jami has been using the EquiPulse in her equine enterprise since 2010.
Maybe 5th Place horse, Samraat, is not chosen as the most stylish horse at the Kentucky Derby, but he is lucky enough to be getting PEMF Therapy before the race! Check out this VIDEO of Samraat’s treatment right at the track (45 seconds into the video)!!!
12 out of the 19 horses running in the 2014 Kentucky Derby all received regular PEMF Therapy! 5 out of the last 7 Kentucky Derby WINNERS were all treated with PEMF! Maybe, not the winner in 2014 but... in the money and on TV! In the above photo, Samraat is WINNING the Gotham Stakes!
In 2015 Brittni Raflowitz and her beautiful Baloumina Du Ry become North American Junior & Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) Individual Silver Medalists in Showjumping!!
Treated with the EquiPulse, Baloumina was 1 out of only 2 horses to jump a double clean in the nations cup. Similarly, Raflowitz was thrilled with her and her mare’s incredible performances throughout the week that put her in the Silver position.
“My mare literally gave me everything she could today. I'm so happy with her,” Raflowitz said. “I never thought that I would jump three clean rounds this week with her. I could not have asked for any more of her.”
"Horses FEEL and PERFORM so much better after being treated with the EquiPulse!"
"I have had 2 Grand Prix Horses treated before their competitions, neither showed lameness or any specific issues but BOTH PERFORMED BETTER and JUMPED MORE CLEAR ROUNDS than prior to treatment! I RECOMMEND EquiPulse for ALL COMPETITIVE horses... it can give them the BOOST you might not even know they needed!"
"This therapy truly is amazing. Our horses softness through their bodies and physicality in their stops changed over night. If you have got a horse in the performance industry...
I highly recommend."
Client of Julia Roberts, JR EquiPulse PEMF Therapy
"I used the EquiPulse extensively on my horses through the latter part of the Wellington show season and will be using it again in 2016. I found it could make my horses backs and necks feel like butter and also isolate and resolve muscles where they were holding themselves. I have no hesitation in stating that use of the EquiPulse improved the performance and development of my horses in the FEI competition arena."
"Buying our EquiPulse PEMF machine was the best investment I have made for the barn... EVER! We would not be able to stay on the road showing without the EquiPulse and now we have 2 ponies that are First Place in the Nation!"
Pictured here is Occhio, ridden and owned by Katherine Kemps. Occhio received an EquiPulse treatment prior to showing and WON the Hack in the Large Pony Division out of 36 riders at the Kentucky Classic!
My equine practice took off in a big way since adding EquiPulse. I utilize multiple procedures in the treatment of musculoskeletal and lameness issues in the equine athlete, and the addition of EquiPulse greatly enhanced the effects of all the other procedures to the point where I can say that am getting twice the results in half the time.
In addition, I am getting far more referrals and trust from veterinarians. The EquiPulse does as advertised and is backed by legitimate scientific and medical research. Whether you are practicing acupuncture, chiropractic, or any form of bodywork, EquiPulse will dramatically enhance the effects of any procedure you are using. No practitioner should be without EquiPulse!
Michael H. Reuben, D.C., CVCP
Purchasing an EquiPulse device has been a dream come true. Not only am I achieving my life long goal of running my own successful business, but I'm doing something I love!
I personally show quarter horses. By treating horses with the EquiPulse, I receive around $75 or more per horse, which not only funds my hobby of showing, but it allows me to take my work with me!
The support and marketing from Magnus Magnetica is truly remarkable. Any question or need that you have is answered or taken care of promptly. I've even had questions answered in a matter of five minutes!
I've owned this machine for only a year and a half now and have never had an issue with it with proper care and maintenance. My machine has over 600+ hours and still going strong!
Magnus Magnetica and the EquiPulse have been an answer to my prayers! I'm honored and blessed to be apart of such a great company!
Julia Roberts Winders
I've been offering PEMF services with my EquiPulse for just over a year now, and I'm lucky to have the support and backing from such a great parent company; Magnus Magnetica. Being the first EquiPulse practitioner in Canada was quite daunting... Until I had treated my first horse. Henry provided me with all the necessary tools and communication I needed to be successful, and this past year has been just that. The widespread community of practitioners is something I'm very proud to be a part of, and everyday I know there is someone I can trust to refer a client to while traveling. Technological advancements and new models are constantly added under Magnus Magnetica, reassuring us, as practitioners and independent sale agents, that we distribute, endorse, and use only the best.
Hannah Taylor
At equine events I often treat 10-12 horses per day at $75 or more per horse. It's wonderful to see how the horses respond to the therapy. My customers say it enhances their horses performance and they recover better after performance. The dressage, hunter jumper and performance horses move freer; the barrel and race horses run faster, older horses continue to perform later into their senior years.
Magnus Magnetica support and marketing has always been very prompt and solution oriented. The initial and ongoing training and assistance has been invaluable. I have had my EquiPulse for almost 5 years and it always operates flawlessly with proper care.
Sue Swan
Being a source of life changing healing and pain relief for horses and people is the best part of owning an EquiPulse.
The support and marketing from Magnus Magnetically has been spot on. Whether it's a need, question or repair they never leave you waiting.
Crystal and Marcus Ryan
Our practice focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues in performance horses. Therapy with a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) has revolutionized our ability to successfully return athletic horses to their full potential; in many cases obviating the need for joint injections or surgery.
We have found the EquiPulse especially effective at treating acute or chronic sacroiliac injuries. We are also using PEMF Therapy for injuries or strains to the tissues around the joints, specifically at the insertion of the tendons, ligaments and joint capsule (entheses).
In some of our clients' training barns, the EquiPulse has been effective at helping the horses to “warm up” the large muscle groups prior to engaging in any athletic activity."
Dr. Martinelli has been using the EquiPulse in his practice continuously since 2009. See written testimonial.